
Story Work Community Group

We believe that we need others to bear witness to our deepest longings, our greatest joys, our most painful shame, and all the rest in order to have any sense of who we really are, who we were created to be. When one truly feels known, and secure in that knowing, then they are able to take the risk of imagining and creating beauty again.

Story Work Community Groups are intentionally structured to help each member feel fully known as they hold space for others who desire to tell their stories truthfully. These groups are structured similarly to the Being Known™ model of Confessional Community Groups developed by Curt Thompson.

Although groups can vary, we are planning for 4-7 participants with 1-2 group leaders in either same-gender or mixed-gender groups. Group members will be required to commit to one semester (Sep-Dec or Feb-May).

Start Date/Time: Thursday, February 8th 9am-10:30am @ 191 East Chestnut Street, Asheville NC 28801

Fee: $200 per month. This group will run through Thursday, May 30th.

If you are interested in possibly joining a Story Work Community Group at The SoulWell Center please complete this Interest and Availability Form.

If you have questions, please reach out and ask through our Contact Form.